I have never understood why people tend to give their bad experiences in life the picture of a storm. They say things like (to quote a flair) "Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell the storm how big your God is."
True, some storms can be very destructive, but they can be healing too. Is this just another reflection of how humans tend to focus on the bad things instead of the good?
So storms are scary. Guess what? It's ok to be scared, and inspired, and exhilarated. There are so many things about storms that remind me just how awesome God really is, especially when I remember that the freakish power I'm seeing is hardly the smallest fraction of His own infinite strength. Storms help me remember that God isn't "cut and dried." I think C.S. Lewis said it best, "He's not a tame Lion."
The Bible says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20
The saying that "life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." Has a lot of truth and sense to it. We need to be careful that we aren't so afraid of the lightening that we don't let ourselves be refreshed by the cool water. We can't put up walls against all people because a few have hurt us in the past; we have to realize that sometimes loving hurts, that loving is worth the losing.
The other day I watched an interview with a guy who had been hit by lightening when golfing. The thing about him that struck me most was that he didn't seem to recoil from storms even after he had been seriously injured during one.
It's amazing how many people can watch a storm and hear the rolling thunder without recognizing the reality of God. Something as scientifically and creatively designed as storms are at the same time that they are so incredibly unpredictable cannot possibly be the product of a freak accident explosion in space.
Storms can be seen as highly unpleasant sensations that you pray will pass as soon as possible, or they can be translated as the epitome of life. You can cower under your circumstances with the single goal of getting from point A to point B, or you can dance through them with all of your heart.
True, some storms can be very destructive, but they can be healing too. Is this just another reflection of how humans tend to focus on the bad things instead of the good?
So storms are scary. Guess what? It's ok to be scared, and inspired, and exhilarated. There are so many things about storms that remind me just how awesome God really is, especially when I remember that the freakish power I'm seeing is hardly the smallest fraction of His own infinite strength. Storms help me remember that God isn't "cut and dried." I think C.S. Lewis said it best, "He's not a tame Lion."
The Bible says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20
The saying that "life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." Has a lot of truth and sense to it. We need to be careful that we aren't so afraid of the lightening that we don't let ourselves be refreshed by the cool water. We can't put up walls against all people because a few have hurt us in the past; we have to realize that sometimes loving hurts, that loving is worth the losing.
The other day I watched an interview with a guy who had been hit by lightening when golfing. The thing about him that struck me most was that he didn't seem to recoil from storms even after he had been seriously injured during one.
It's amazing how many people can watch a storm and hear the rolling thunder without recognizing the reality of God. Something as scientifically and creatively designed as storms are at the same time that they are so incredibly unpredictable cannot possibly be the product of a freak accident explosion in space.
Storms can be seen as highly unpleasant sensations that you pray will pass as soon as possible, or they can be translated as the epitome of life. You can cower under your circumstances with the single goal of getting from point A to point B, or you can dance through them with all of your heart.
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